ENMU-Roswell Courses For Summer 2024:

AFRM108 R001Hydraulic Pneumatic & Fuel SysView Book PricePurchase Book
AFRM114 R001Comm/Data Display SystemsView Book PricePurchase Book
AFRM117 R001Aircraft Landing SystemsView Book PricePurchase Book
ARTH11101WWArt AppreciationView Book PricePurchase Book
AT124 R001Manual Transmsn & Axle SystemsView Book PricePurchase Book
AT294 R001Co-Op/Internship TrainingView Book PricePurchase Book
BCIS1115001Introduction to ComputersView Book PricePurchase Book
BCIS11151WWIntroduction to ComputersView Book PricePurchase Book
BIOL22101WWHuman Anat & Phys IView Book PricePurchase Book
BIOL2210L1WWHuman Anat & Phys I LabView Book PricePurchase Book
BIOL22251WWHuman Anat & Phys IIView Book PricePurchase Book
BIOL2225L1WWHuman Anat & Phys II LabView Book PricePurchase Book
BIOL23101WWMicrobiologyView Book PricePurchase Book
BIOL2310L1WWMicrobiology LabView Book PricePurchase Book
BUSA11101WWIntroduction to BusinessView Book PricePurchase Book
CHEM1110001Chemistry in Our CommunityView Book PricePurchase Book
CHEM1110L001Chemistry in Community LabView Book PricePurchase Book
COMM21201WWInterpersonal CommunicationView Book PricePurchase Book
EMS101 R1WWBLS/Clinical PreparationView Book PricePurchase Book
EMS232 R1WWCare of Special PopulationsView Book PricePurchase Book
EMS232LR1WWCare of Spe Populations LabView Book PricePurchase Book
EMS241LR001Paramedic Clinical IIView Book PricePurchase Book
ENGL11101WWComposition IView Book PricePurchase Book
ENGL11102WWComposition IView Book PricePurchase Book
ENGL11201WWComposition IIView Book PricePurchase Book
ENGL11202WWComposition IIView Book PricePurchase Book
ENGL22101WWProf & Tech CommunicationView Book PricePurchase Book
ENTR11101WWEntrepreneurshipView Book PricePurchase Book
FDMA21651WWFilm Crew InternshipView Book PricePurchase Book
FDS030 R001Food Service Program IIIView Book PricePurchase Book
FDS031 R001Food Serv Pract/Co-Op IIIView Book PricePurchase Book
HIST11101WWUnited States History IView Book PricePurchase Book
HIST11201WWUnited States History IIView Book PricePurchase Book
HIST11601WWWestern Civilization IIView Book PricePurchase Book
HO010 R001Community CPRView Book PricePurchase Book
HO010 R002Community CPRView Book PricePurchase Book
HO032 R001Life Skills IIIView Book PricePurchase Book
HO042 R001Life Skills VIView Book PricePurchase Book
HO093LR001Independent Living III LabView Book PricePurchase Book
HO095LR001Independent Living VI LabView Book PricePurchase Book
HPE020 R001Standard First AidView Book PricePurchase Book
HPE020 R002Standard First AidView Book PricePurchase Book
HPE023 R001Adaptive Physical Edu IIIView Book PricePurchase Book
HPE033 R001Adaptive Physical Education VIView Book PricePurchase Book
HVAC218 R001Air Cond Serv & Prob AnalysisView Book PricePurchase Book
HVAC294 R001Co-op/Internship TrainingView Book PricePurchase Book
MATH11301WWSurvey of MathematicsView Book PricePurchase Book
MATH12151WWIntermediate AlgebraView Book PricePurchase Book
MATH13501WWIntroduction to StatisticsView Book PricePurchase Book
MDST111LR001Medical Assisting PracticumView Book PricePurchase Book
MDST112 R1WWCertification Exam ReviewView Book PricePurchase Book
MDST123 R1WWElectronic Medical RecordsView Book PricePurchase Book
MDST222 R1WWCutural Diversity Health CareView Book PricePurchase Book
NA111 R001Nursing AssistingView Book PricePurchase Book
NA111LR001Nursing Assisting LabView Book PricePurchase Book
OS030 R001Office Skills Program IIIView Book PricePurchase Book
OS031 R001Office Skills Pract/Co-Op IIIView Book PricePurchase Book
PBE114LR1WWPhlebotomy PracticumView Book PricePurchase Book
PBE116 R1WWPhlebotomy Exam ReviewView Book PricePurchase Book
PHIL21101WWIntroduction to EthicsView Book PricePurchase Book
PSYC11101WWIntroduction to PsychologyView Book PricePurchase Book
PSYC21201WWDevelopmental PsychologyView Book PricePurchase Book
RCP108 R001Basic Assessment/MonitoringView Book PricePurchase Book
RCP108LR001Basic Assess/Monitoring LabView Book PricePurchase Book
RCP110 R001Critical Care TherapeuticsView Book PricePurchase Book
RCP110LR001Critical Care Therap LabView Book PricePurchase Book
REFR210 R001Multiplexed Evaporator SystemView Book PricePurchase Book
SPAN11101WWSpanish IView Book PricePurchase Book