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Class Schedule for Summer 2024
Bilingual Education
BLED 493 P - TPS/Spanish Immersion Institute
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40659 004 Portales 3 M T W R 10:20am - 12:30pm Education 128 20 6 14 40 15 AF Eugenia Flores 06/03-06/28 4
BLED 593 P - TPS/Spanish Immersion Institute
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40660 004 Portales 3 M T W R 10:20am - 12:30pm Education 128 20 9 11 40 15 AF Eugenia Flores 06/03-06/28 4
Communicative Disorders
CDIS 501LP - Practicum 1 Lab
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40977 001 Portales 1 F 1:00pm - 2:50pm Lea Hall 123 12 8 4 Erin Sherman 06/03-07/26 8
CDIS 504 P - Fundamentals of Clinical Practice
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 41022 001 Portales 2 T W 6:00pm - 7:40pm Lea Hall 122 25 0 25 60 11 BH Erin Sherman 06/03-07/26 8
CDIS 508LP - Practicum in Assessment Lab
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40978 001 Portales 1 F 3:00pm - 4:50pm Lea Hall 123 12 8 4 Erin Sherman 06/03-07/26 8
CDIS 511 P - Sounds and Phonology
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 41106 001 Portales 3 T W 12:30pm - 3:40pm Lea Hall 122 30 0 30 40 16 EA Suzanne Swift 06/03-07/26 8
CDIS 525 P - Fluency
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40703 001 Portales 2 T W 9:40am - 11:50am Lea Hall 122 30 0 30 80 12 BG Suzanne Swift 06/03-07/26 8
CDIS 551 P - Neurodiversity and Augmentative-Alternative Communication
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 41078 001 Portales 2 M W 6:30pm - 8:10pm Lea Hall 123 30 0 30 30 16 CG Seana Evelyn 06/03-07/26 8
First Year Experience
FYEX 1110 - First-year Seminar
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Restricted 40790 045 Portales 3 M T W R 9:00am - 11:30am College of Business 113 25 7 18 Leticia Schneider 07/01-07/26 4 Y
MUSC 1120 - Music Appreciation: Rock and Roll
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Restricted 40816 045 Portales 3 M T W R 12:30pm - 3:00pm Art and Anthropology 149 25 7 18 Donnie O'Hare 07/01-07/26 4 Y
Physical Education
PHED 1996 - Topics in PE: Aqua Aerobics
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40951 001 Portales 1 M T W R 8:00am - 8:50am Natatorium 100 25 13 12 Amiee Constantopoulos 06/03-06/28 4
Open 40952 002 Portales 1 M T W R 9:00am - 9:50am Natatorium 100 25 14 11 Amiee Constantopoulos 06/03-06/28 4
Open 40953 003 Portales 1 M T W R 8:00am - 8:50am Natatorium 100 25 16 9 Amiee Constantopoulos 07/01-07/26 4
Open 40954 004 Portales 1 M T W R 9:00am - 9:50am Natatorium 100 25 11 14 Amiee Constantopoulos 07/01-07/26 4
PHED 1996 - Topics in PE: Zumba
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 41074 005 Portales 1 M W 5:15pm - 6:00pm Greyhound Arena 11 20 9 11 Linda Ramos 06/03-07/26 8

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Fall 2024 Course Information