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Class Schedule for Summer 2017
ART 271 P - Jewelry
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40213 007 Portales 3 M T W R F 10:20am - 12:30pm Agriculture 106 22 6 16 22 9 ZA Gregory Senn 07/03-07/28 4 Y
ART 318 P - Jewelry Projects
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40214 007 Portales 3 M T W R F 10:20am - 12:30pm Agriculture 106 22 3 19 22 9 ZA Gregory Senn 07/03-07/28 4 Y Y
Bilingual Education
BLED 493 P - TPS/Spanish Immersion
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40146 004 Portales 3 U M T W R F S 2:15pm - 9:45pm Education 120 25 5 20 25 12 AK Eugenia Flores 06/11-06/18 8 Y
BLED 593 P - TPS/Spanish Immersion
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40147 004 Portales 3 U M T W R F S 2:15pm - 9:45pm Education 120 25 7 18 25 12 AK Eugenia Flores 06/11-06/18 8 Y
Communicative Disorders
CDIS 511 P - Articulation/Phonological Disorders
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40194 001 Portales 3 T W R 9:00am - 12:00pm College of Business 128 50 15 35 115 60 FA Suzanne Swift 06/05-07/28 8
CDIS 540 P - Oral Motor Disorders
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40108 001 Portales 2 T W R 1:00pm - 3:20pm College of Business 128 50 14 36 115 62 FB Suzanne Swift 06/05-07/28 8
Health & Physical Education
HPE 122 P - Aerobics/TPS/Aqua Aerobics
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40429 004 Portales 1 M T W R 5:20pm - 6:50pm Natatorium 100 30 6 24 Jasmine Johnson 06/05-06/30 4
MUS 307 P - Junior Recital
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40104 001 Portales 1 Music Building 35 0 35 Dustin Seifert 06/05-07/28 8
MUS 407 P - Senior Recital
StatusCRN SectCampusCredits Meeting Days and TimesLocation Cap Act Rem XCap XAct XGrp InstructorDatesWeeks $ P C
Open 40105 001 Portales 1 Music Building 35 0 35 Dustin Seifert 06/05-07/28 8

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Fall 2023 Course Information