ASTR 1115 - Introduction to Astro (LEC)
Full title:Introduction to Astro (LEC)
Course description:(Previously PHYS 141) This course surveys observations, theories, and methods of modern astronomy. The course is predominantly for non-science majors, aiming to provide a conceptual understanding of the universe and the basic physics that governs it. Due to the broad coverage of this course, the specific topics and concepts treated may vary. Commonly presented subjects include the general movements of the sky and history of astronomy, followed by an introduction to basic physics concepts like Newton's and Kepler's laws of motion. The course may also provide modern details and facts about celestial bodies in our solar system, as well as differentiation between them - Terrestrial and Jovian planets, exoplanets, the practical meaning of dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and Kuiper Belt and Trans-Neptunian Objects. Beyond this we may study stars and galaxies, star clusters, nebulae, black holes, clusters of galaxies and dark matter. Finally, we may study cosmology -- the structure and history of the universe. Concurrent enrollment: ASTR: 1115L
Instructor: William Andersen (
25421 25025
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 17, 2021
End:December 10, 2021
Census date:September 3, 2021
Registration dates:April 4, 2021 - August 24, 2021
Last day to drop:August 24, 2021
Last day to withdraw:November 5, 2021
Meeting dates and times
MW F 04:00pm - 04:50pm Science Building 214
Course Co-requisites
CourseCourse title
ASTR 1115LIntroduction to Astro Lab

Fall 2023 Course Information