GEOL 1110 - Physical Geology
Full title:Physical Geology
Course description:(Formerly GEOL 151) Physical Geology is an introduction to our dynamic Earth introducing students to the materials that make up Earth (rocks and minerals) and the processes that create and modify the features of our planet. The course will help students learn how mountains are formed, how volcanoes erupt, where earthquakes occur, and how water, wind, and ice can shape the landscape. Students will also develop a basic understanding of the ways humans have altered the planet including our impact on natural resources and global climate change. Concurrent enrollment: GEOL 1110L. (F)
Instructor: Bethany Langley (
3637-1 36036
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 18, 2020
End:December 11, 2020
Census date:September 4, 2020
Registration dates:March 29, 2020 - August 25, 2020
Last day to drop:August 25, 2020
Last day to withdraw:November 6, 2020
Meeting dates and times
Course Co-requisites
CourseCourse title
GEOL 1110LPhysical Geology Lab

Fall 2023 Course Information