COMM 330 P - Power Games:Politics and Media
Full title:Power Games: Politics and Media
Course description:Focuses on the role of the mass media in the United States with respect to politics and political power, how they cover and influence the interactions between political players, the public, and various branches of government, exploring the reasons for the choice of events, issues and individuals covered by the media, and how they are covered; also includes the question of media bias, the influence of social media in political campaigning and policy-making, and how the media operates and are regulated by law under the First Amendment. Fulfills Global/Diversity Requirement. (F)
Crosslist group:EY
Instructor: Joshua Bramlett (
3033-3 30030 36333
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 18, 2020
End:December 11, 2020
Census date:September 4, 2020
Registration dates:March 29, 2020 - August 25, 2020
Last day to drop:August 25, 2020
Last day to withdraw:November 6, 2020
Meeting dates and times
Crosslisted courses
Crosslist groupCRNCourseTitle

Fall 2023 Course Information