MATH 106 P - Foundations for Statistics
Full title:Foundations for Statistics
Course description:Gives the student a deeper understanding of mathematics through classroom and group interaction. Students will read and understand the relevant scenarios from non-technical fields and be able to justify their findings and conclusions in multiple ways. An understanding of mathematical notation and equation solving will be emphasized. Students will use technology throughout the course to research, collect and analyze data as well as make predictions and present findings. Focused preparation for STAT 213. No prerequisite. Initial math placement is determined by a combination if math ACT score and high school GPA. Please consult your advisor. (F, S)
Crosslist group:FW
Instructor: Ann Varela (
20119 20020 401723
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:January 14, 2019
End:May 10, 2019
Census date:February 1, 2019
Registration dates:November 4, 2018 - January 21, 2019
Last day to drop:January 21, 2019
Last day to withdraw:April 5, 2019
Meeting dates and times
Crosslisted courses
Crosslist groupCRNCourseTitle
FW20731MATH 106 PFoundations for Statistics

Fall 2023 Course Information