COUN 597 P - Practicum in Counseling
Full title:Practicum in Counseling
Course description:Practicum in Counseling (3). Facilitates continued development of skills learned in COUN 549. Students develop conceptual and professional skills through a supervised field site experience as they engage in various specified counseling and related activities during a minimum of 100 hours in an agency or educational setting. Satisfactory performance at the field site and during on-campus class meetings must be demonstrated before students can proceed to internship (COUN 598). Prerequisite: COUN 501, 516, 517, 533, 544, 502, 547. (F,S).
Instructor: Brett Gleason (
20713 20020
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:January 18, 2016
End:May 13, 2016
Census date:February 5, 2016
Registration dates:November 1, 2015 - January 25, 2016
Last day to drop:January 25, 2016
Last day to withdraw:June 10, 2016
Meeting dates and times
M 07:00pm - 09:30pm Education 118
Course Pre-requisites
(TestTest scoreCourse)Connector
(COUN 501 Pand
COUN 502 Pand
COUN 516 Pand
COUN 517 Pand
COUN 533 Pand
COUN 544 Pand
COUN 547 P)

Fall 2023 Course Information