MGT 439 P - International Mgt
Full title:International Management
Course description:This course will assess the political, economic, legal, technical, ethical and cultural environment across borders. Analyze the role of culture in international management, communication and negotiations. Provide lessons on the effectiveness of different international strategies, organizational structures and control systems. Explore principles of international human resources management. Prerequisite: MGT 313. (F)
Crosslist group:XY
Instructor: Michael Lacy (
50644 50050 501535
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 19, 2014
End:December 12, 2014
Census date:September 5, 2014
Registration dates:April 13, 2014 - August 26, 2014
Last day to drop:August 26, 2014
Last day to withdraw:November 7, 2014
Meeting dates and times
T R 08:00am - 09:15am College of Business 110
Crosslisted courses
Crosslist groupCRNCourseTitle
XY12051MGT 439 PInternational Mgt
XY12551MGT 439 PInternational Mgt
Course Pre-requisites
(TestTest scoreCourse)Connector
(MGT 313 P)

Fall 2023 Course Information