EET 402 P - Renewable Energy Technology
Full title:Renewable Energy Technology
Course description:This course provides students with an introduction and comprehensive overview of renewable energies, including geothermal, wind power, solar power, fuel cells, and hydropower. Topics include: wind power, photovoltaic power, wind energy distriburion, wind power system, solar photovoltaic power system and energy storage. Prerequisites: EET 210, 237, 302/L or consent of instructor. Concurrent enrollment: EET 402. (Even F)
Crosslist group:HK
Instructor: Hamid Allamehzadeh (
20182 20020 302010
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 19, 2014
End:December 12, 2014
Census date:September 5, 2014
Registration dates:April 13, 2014 - August 26, 2014
Last day to drop:August 26, 2014
Last day to withdraw:November 7, 2014
Meeting dates and times
MW 01:00pm - 01:50pm Lea Hall 111
Crosslisted courses
Crosslist groupCRNCourseTitle
HK12141EET 402 PRenewable Energy Technology
Course Pre-requisites
(TestTest scoreCourse)Connector
(EET 210 Pand
EET 237 P)
Course Co-requisites
CourseCourse title
EET 402LPRenewable Energy Tech lab

Fall 2023 Course Information