CDIS 501 P - Practicum I
Full title:Practicum I
Course description:Supervised clinical experience including evaluating patients, administering speech/language therapy, holding client conferences and maintaining records. Practicum experiences will be obtained at the ENMU SHROC or at sites that are directly supervised by ENMU CDIS faculty. Attendance at a one-hour clinicians' meeting each week may be required. CDIS 501 enrollment requires that students be available for two half days per week, deliver treatment to one client at a single site, and participate in assigned on-campus evaluation/assessment teams. CDIS 501 placements must be 14 weeks in length unless otherwise approved by the clinical director. All students in practicum must follow the terms as specified in the Clinical Schedule Agreement form. Students must earn a grade of “B” or higher in order to count clock hours obtained for ASHA requirements. (May be repeated for credit.) Prerequisite: first semester enrollment in CDIS 501 requires concurrent enrollment in CDIS 504, admission to the graduate program, and verification of additional requirements as listed on the Practicum Procedures Checklist and Responsibilities Statement. Two hours of weekly classroom seminar required. Procedural guidelines for progressing through ENMU clinical practicums will be covered in seminar (e.g., practicum availability/request forms, CPSAs, clock hour logs, agreements to supervise, affiliation agreements, Practicum Procedures Checklist and Responsibilities Statements, and other required documentation). Resume writing, interviewing skills, and other practice issues are included. (F, S, Su)
Instructor: Nicole Whitehouse (
05-5 000
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 22, 2017
End:December 15, 2017
Census date:September 8, 2017
Registration dates:April 2, 2017 - August 29, 2017
Last day to drop:August 29, 2017
Last day to withdraw:November 10, 2017
Meeting dates and times
F 11:00am - 12:40pm College of Business 110
Course fees
AmountUnitDetail codeDescription
$100Flat feePFDCCDIS Course Fee

Fall 2024 Course Information