BIOL 110LP - Introduction to WFS Laboratory
Full title:Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Laboratory
Course description:Students will gain practical experience and hands-on application of the common techniques used in wildlife and fisheries sciences. This will be accomplished though the completion of exercises, discussions, and student presentations. The field of wildlife and fisheries is becoming more and more quantitative. Therefore, students will learn how to transform the data collected in the field to the Excel format and how to manipulate data in Excel. Students will also gain familiarity with manipulting Google Earth and Geographic Information System and its use in wildlife sciences. Concurrent enrollment: BIOL 110. (F)
Instructor: Ivana Mali (
24213 24024
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 22, 2017
End:December 15, 2017
Census date:September 8, 2017
Registration dates:April 2, 2017 - August 29, 2017
Last day to drop:August 29, 2017
Last day to withdraw:November 10, 2017
Meeting dates and times
M 01:00pm - 02:50pm Science Building 101
Course Co-requisites
CourseCourse title
BIOL 110 PIntro Wildlife and Fisher Sci

Fall 2024 Course Information