ENG 104 U - Composition & Research
Full title: Composition and Research (NMCCNS ENGL 1123)
Course description:A continuation of ENG 102. Specific instruction in college-level writing and research, with an emphasis on argumentation and rhetorical strategies, as well as academic research and analysis. As part of the requirements for this course, students will generate a portfolio of 20-25 pages of formal, revised, polished work and deliver a research-driven multimedia presentation. Prerequisite: ENG 102 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Instructor: Kaelin Jossart
302010 10010
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 22, 2017
End:December 15, 2017
Census date:September 8, 2017
Registration dates:April 2, 2017 - August 29, 2017
Last day to drop:August 29, 2017
Last day to withdraw:November 10, 2017
Meeting dates and times
R 08:30am - 09:45am Ruidoso Branch Comm College 108
Course Pre-requisites
(TestTest scoreCourse)Connector
(ENG 102 U)

Fall 2024 Course Information