MUS 113CP - Music Appr: Surv Rock and Roll
Full title:Music Appreciation: Survey of Rock and Roll
Course description:For non-music majors. Attempts to answer the question "What is music?" by acquainting students with knowledge and appreciation of music from several cultures and times. Includes contact with music through discussion, guest artists and recorded music. No previous musical training is needed. Topics may vary by semester. A. survey of Western music; B. introduction to jazz; C. survey of rock and roll; D. survey of musical theatre; E. world music. (F, S, Su)
Crosslist group:ZM
Instructor: Donnie O'Hare (
463313 46046 54477
Grade mode:Normal (A,B,C,D,F,I,W)
Course dates
Starts:August 22, 2017
End:December 15, 2017
Census date:September 8, 2017
Registration dates:April 2, 2017 - August 29, 2017
Last day to drop:August 29, 2017
Last day to withdraw:November 10, 2017
Meeting dates and times
T R 12:30pm - 01:45pm Art and Anthropology 110
Crosslisted courses
Crosslist groupCRNCourseTitle
ZM10570MUS 113CPMusic Appr: Surv Rock and Roll

Fall 2024 Course Information